Registration is now open
Registration Fees
Congress registration fees
Fees are quoted in US Dollars.
Registration Categories
Early Bird
ILTS Member
$ 650
$ 715
$ 795
ILTS Member
(Reduced Fee*)
$ 495
$ 570
$ 650
ILTS Member- Allied Health Professional **
$ 230
$ 265
$ 300
$ 995
$ 1,070
$ 1,150
ILTS Member
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
26 - 31 May
ILTS Member (Reduced Fee*)
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
26 - 31 May
ILTS Member - Allied Health Professional**
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
26 - 31 May
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
26 - 31 May
* The ILTS Member (reduced fee) applies to designated middle-income countries; Residents, fellows, medical students, and others in full-time education; Non-clinical scientists and researchers and Senior members retired from clinical practice.
**AHP rate applies to nurses, nurse practitioners and allied health professionals who are ILTS Members (list of Allied Health Professions).
Pre-congress Workshop & Courses Registration Fees
Course & Workshop Name
Early Bird Fee
Standard Rate
$ 275
$ 375
$ 300
$ 350
$ 300
$ 350
Allied Health Professionals Workshop
$ 100
$ 120
Post-Graduate Course
$ 150
$ 200
Pre-meeting Symposium
$ 200
$ 250
Anaesthesia Workshop
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Machine Perfusion Workshop
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Transplant Program Leadership & Financial Development Workshop
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Allied Health Professionals Workshop
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Post-Graduate Course
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Pre-meeting Symposium
Early Bird
Valid until 27 Mar
28 Mar - 25 May
Social Event Admission Fee
Soclal Event
Gala Dinner at Gardens by the Bay
$ 120
Payment by Credit Card
Only Visa and Mastercard are accepted for online payments.
Fees applied to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines. A registration confirmation email will be sent only after payment is complete. Outstanding payments will be collected onsite and charged the onsite rate.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
- The organizers must be notified of cancellations via email –
- Cancellations received before 13 May 2025 will be refunded in full less an administrative fee of SGD 50
- Cancellations received from 14 May 2025 onwards will not refunded
- Delegate replacements will be allowed. Notifications must be made to the organizers via email – – no later than 21 May 2025.
Terms and Conditions:
Registration and Payment
Submission of an online registration is regarded as a firm booking and acceptance of these terms and conditions, however the booking will not be confirmed until full payment has been received. Payment in full must be received to confirm registration at the conference. In the event that full payment is not received when the conference commences, the delegate will be denied entry to the conference. We accept payment by credit card only.
The personal information supplied in connection with this booking will be held by the International Liver Transplant Society and MCI Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. as a record of attendees and parties expressing interest. By registering for this conference, the parties concerned agree that the conference organizers may use that personal information to contact them by email, direct mail, telephone or fax, in order to supply information relevant to this conference, or about other conferences, events and opportunities that the organizers are planning and feel may be of interest to them. The organizers may also share this information with its partners and event sponsors in order for them to contact the delegates about other products and services which may be of interest to the delegates. If you do not wish your details to be used in this way, please contact by email to confirm this.
Changes and Postponement
The organizers reserve the right to change the program, venue and timings without prior notice. Under unforeseen circumstances that make postponement or date change to the conference necessary, the organizers shall not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the delegate. If by re-arrangement or postponement the event can take place, the booking between the delegate and the organizers shall remain in force and will be subject to the cancellation schedule above.
Views expressed by speakers, sponsors and/or exhibitors are their own. The Organizers cannot accept liability for any advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker, sponsor and/or exhibitor at the conference or in any material provided to delegates. In addition, the Organizers shall not be responsible or liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of the services or information provided in connection with the event.
It is the responsibility of the delegate to arrange appropriate insurance cover in connection with their attendance at the conference. The Organizers cannot be held liable for any loss, liability or damage to personal property.
Photos & Filming
For promotional purposes, photos and video recordings will be taken during the conference. Delegates who do not wish to be filmed or recorded should advise the organizers in writing prior to the event.
Website & Links
The conference and associated websites may link to other websites and networking tools provided for the convenience of the users. The contents of these websites are maintained by their owners, for which the organizers take no responsibility. Neither can responsibility be taken for contents of any website linking to this website.
Visa Requirement
It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of his/her visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.
The International Liver Transplant Society and MCI Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., the appointed Professional Conference Organizer for The 2025 International Congress of ILTS, reserve the right at all time to change, amend, add or remove any of the above terms without prior notice If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should be or become invalid, the remaining conditions will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms & Conditions apply to all participants of this event, including speakers, sponsors and exhibitors.